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Publikation Nr. 1258 - Details

Lukas, S., Max, A. L. & Weitzel, H. (2020). Integrating media didactic competences in psychology courses of teacher education, In: D. G. Sampson, D. Ifenthaler & P. Isaías (Hrsg.), CELDA 2020 Proceedings (S.326-330). Lissabon: iadis.

ISBN: 978-989-8704-22-1

Internationally, ICT have become an integral part of school curricula in recent years. As a consequence, teacher education has the aim of imparting the necessary knowledge for the effective use of ICT. The TPACK framework is a frequently used theoretical basis to achieve this goal. In our study we investigate to what extent TPACK is promoted in a psychology course and how TPACK development correlates with other aspects of professional teachers. Results show that educational psychology courses can promote TPACK and that aspects of motivation or comprehension of constructivist learning settings should be considered in the conceptualization of courses with the aim to promote TPACK.

Art der Begutachtung: Peer Review(Double-blind peer review)
Print: Nein
Online: Ja, ohne Open Access
Datenmedium: Keine Angabe