Forschungs- & Publikationsdatenbank

Publikation Nr. 116 - Details

Weiß, S. A., Müller, W., Spierling, U. & Steimle, F. (2005). Scenejo - An Interactive Storytelling Platform, In: G. Subsol (Hrsg.), Virtual Storytelling (S.77-82) (Band 3805). Strasbourg: Springer.

DOI: 10.1007/11590361

Scenejo is an Interactive Storytelling platform, supporting both structured story lines and emergent behavior. Authoring is performed either at the level of a story graph or dialogue patterns. The Scenejo platform supports several artificial actors conversing with a number of real actors, representing the users in the system. Artificial actors are visualized as animated 3d characters, and actor responses are presented by speech synthesis in combination with non-verbal behavior.

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